Happy Happy HAPPY Friday readers! :)
And a happy Friday it is indeed! It's my first day out on the town with.....::drumroll please::....NO HAIR!
I've finally decided to cut my hair, completely off. Like, completely. And i'm more than pleased with the results, emotions associated with the chop, and the feedback/support i'm receiving.
Although the majority of my posts are on general life findings and fashion biz (is it cool to say biz? ha), I thought i'd take the time out to focus a little on me and the reasons behind my big chop. And after all, a girl's mane is a part of her style and general fabulousness, no?
Here's a little blurb I wrote to those that inquired about my "spontaneous" cut.
"To answer the question of why I cut my hair off....to be honest, there's not really one single reason. The biggest reason was for my own personal liberation; now i'm free from the hassle, the confusion of what products to use, the chemicals I had to put in to keep it "presentable" and lastly the elimination of all desire to assimilate when it comes to my hair. I've debated against it for the past year, going at odds with people's reactions to the idea, and my own desires. As a woman, and more importantly as a Black woman, I wanted to take charge of my appearance. I refuse to any longer be passive in my decisions, letting outside opinions make up my mind for me. It was more than just a haircut, and hopefully people can appreciate that. If not...toodles ;* "
And a happy Friday it is indeed! It's my first day out on the town with.....::drumroll please::....NO HAIR!
I've finally decided to cut my hair, completely off. Like, completely. And i'm more than pleased with the results, emotions associated with the chop, and the feedback/support i'm receiving.
Although the majority of my posts are on general life findings and fashion biz (is it cool to say biz? ha), I thought i'd take the time out to focus a little on me and the reasons behind my big chop. And after all, a girl's mane is a part of her style and general fabulousness, no?
Here's a little blurb I wrote to those that inquired about my "spontaneous" cut.
"To answer the question of why I cut my hair off....to be honest, there's not really one single reason. The biggest reason was for my own personal liberation; now i'm free from the hassle, the confusion of what products to use, the chemicals I had to put in to keep it "presentable" and lastly the elimination of all desire to assimilate when it comes to my hair. I've debated against it for the past year, going at odds with people's reactions to the idea, and my own desires. As a woman, and more importantly as a Black woman, I wanted to take charge of my appearance. I refuse to any longer be passive in my decisions, letting outside opinions make up my mind for me. It was more than just a haircut, and hopefully people can appreciate that. If not...toodles ;* "
So there you have it! And fortunately, i'm very content and comfortable with my decision. The feeling of hair-lessness didn't really sink in until I made the delightful phone call to my mother, of whom was not a supporter of the original idea. Me & my mommy are close, so her opinion was one of few that actually deterred me from doing so a while ago. But at a certain point, you realize that your parents and friends only real job is to love you unconditionally, regardless of your difference in preference, and your difference in desires.
As a woman, I feel great. I feel more beautiful than ever, I feel more confident than ever, and I feel more me than ever. It's funny really, that I feel this way given the fact that everything I've ever been taught about my hair by the women/men around me and the media around me, has gone completely out of the window. I won't say I feel like a new woman, because i'm still the same girl struggling to find her place in the world, but I feel like now i'm able to do it with a clearer definition of who I naturally am, and what rules I agree to abide by in that world.
I'm proud, because i've challenged the status quo and the myth that your hair makes your beauty.
More importantly, I've challenged myself; to be more than my hair, and to step out of the box I've been confined in since the age of 7 when my hair was first relaxed. I feel like I broke an unwritten rule, one that doesn't really make much sense once analyzed.
People keep telling me I'm brave, and i'm bold. It's interesting though, that people think i'm a huge risk taker because I went through with what I felt and didn't pay much mind to outside opinion. What would society be like if that became the norm? hm!
And that, girlfriend, is when you started to live. Notice how everyone loves to follow a trend when someone says it's cool. Confidence is cool. Wear it responsibly!