Its almost 5pm bloggers! That means start your countdown until you get to indulge in intense DIY-ing! Am I the only one who does that? Hm, well here's a fun & easy tutorial for those who've piled up tons and tons of rings/bracelets over the years.
- All you need is a hot glue gun, small sized bowls (i used small dip bowls from target - $4 each) and Glass pillar candlestick holders ($2 at target).
- Turn the bowl upside down and use the hot glue gun (Be careful, it's not called a hot glue gun because it's cold!) to glue around the rim of the small end of the candle holder, attaching the candlestick holder to the bottom of the bowl.
- Keep the bowl upside down for an hour or so, maybe placing some books on top to keep it in place while the glue dries.
- Viola! Modern and Chic jewelry holders for under $10! :)
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